The melting pot. One of the focal points of the late twentieth century Jazzpop musical melting pot was conceived by…
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The melting pot. One of the focal points of the late twentieth century Jazzpop musical melting pot was conceived by…
Read MoreThe father of jazz gets an especially impressive tribute, compliments of Ostwald and his crackerjack musicians who showered some of…
Read MoreCharles Mingus was considered a genius and “angry man” of jazz, a highly talented musician who was denied the opportunity…
Read MoreIn the two years since Tomasz Stanko’s much-loved “Soul of Things”, both the trumpeter and his young Polish band have…
Read MoreEven when music is notated relatively precisely, as in music, a performer must make many decisions because the notation does…
Read MoreInterview with jazz trumpeter Hildegunn Øiseth. An interview by email in writing. Dear readers, get to know more about our…
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