About Jazz and Blues in European Union



Here is our team that works on the website, as well as organizing festivals and concert seasons, tours.

Editor in chief: Olivia Peevas – EU – Brussels – Belgium

Our contacts:  JazzBluesEU@gmail.com

Our Team:

Stiven Berger – Berlin, Germany

Donaled Shotelend – England, UK

Akrile Betrricean – Paris, France

Sean Taylor – Brussels, Belgium

Lavrence Hotlend – Copenhagen, Denmark

Lauren Wulff – Amsterdam; Netherlands

Gene Kandelaki – Warsaw, Polish

Welcome to https://JazzBlues.EU

https://JazzBlues.EU website is an interesting and fun blogging platform. Here you will find interesting content. We tend to provide you with the best, interesting and multi-content articles focusing on reliability and tests, articles, videos, photos and more. EU