About Jazz and Blues in European Union


New CD – 2024: Ayumi Koketsu – Limpid Flame – 2024: Review, Video, Cover

When a pretty woman plays the saxophone, it always attracts attention. When a pretty woman plays the saxophone well, it is doubly attractive. And if a pretty woman plays the saxophone brilliantly, it is probably Ayumi Koketsu.

The alto saxophonist belongs to a relatively small group of performers who have clearly revealed their talent in instrumental jazz. Unlike vocal jazz, there are still few women in instrumental jazz, and among those who have succeeded in playing wind instruments, there are frankly few. If we talk about playing the soprano saxophone, Jane Ira has been among the jazz elite among performers on this instrument for a number of years.

The musicians from Japan have chosen the borderland between avant-garde jazz and post-bop as a working field for their creativity, and they feel quite confident in it. In terms of performance technique and teamwork, they are quite mature masters. In my opinion, there are fewer fresh, unexpected ideas in their music than I would like. While listening, I had the feeling that I had already heard something similar. However, this is only disc; the musicians still have a lot ahead of them, and perhaps in this sense the title of their first-born, “A Little Boy,” is deeper than it seems.

Limpid Flame was released almost five and a half years after my last album. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in my lifestyle, I didn’t perform much in front of people for a few years. However, that period gave me time to reflect on many things. I later realized that there had always been a deep passion for music within me, like a smoldering fire. That’s why I named this album Limpid Flame.

After five and a half years, it was important for me to express my current musical journey, including what I’ve cultivated during this time, in the new album. I chose only my new compositions, and I’m glad I was able to record them with the reliable members of my quartet, who have been playing together for more than ten years,- an interview with us said Ayumi Koketsu.

We recommend that you buy this CD and enjoy it.

1. Quiet
2. Limpid Flame
3. M’s Day
4. Leap
5. Ginkgo
6. Daze
7. Move
8. A Little Boy

Alto Sax, Composed By – Ayumi Koketsu
Piano – Koichi Sato
Bass – Koji Yasuda
Drums – Masanori Ando

Buy from here – New CD 2024

Limpid Flame(特典なし)