Mibact – Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Tourism
Municipality of L’Aquila – on the occasion of Perdonanza Celestiniana 2017
Municipality of Amatrice, Municipality of Camerino, Municipality of Scheggino
Main Sponsor SIAE
I-Jazz organizers, MIDJ, Jazz House
facing the future Multifunctional Center
Opening event promoted by the Italian Red Cross at 16:00
Paolo Fresu & Daniele di Bonaventura
Paolo Fresu (trumpet) and Daniele di Bonaventura (bandoneon)
This beneficial initiative (which is added to last year) collaborates associatively with Io Ci Sono Onlus for the construction of Amatrice’s Multifunctional Center and the subsequent socio-cultural activities that will give life and breathe the structure.
Piazzale ex Hotel Institute
near the COC (Centro Comunale Centro) – viale Saturnino Muzii
This year the Italian Jazz is made in four and becomes “The Italian Jazz for the Lands of the Sisma”, a musical marathon that starts August 31 from Scheggino in Umbria, passes 1st September for Camerino in the Marches and the 2 September for Amatrice in Lazio, until September 3 in L’Aquila in Abruzzo. The project is coordinated and managed by the I-Jazz Association. Midj Association and Jazz House with the contribution of Mibact and the main sponsor SIAE – Italian Society of Authors and Publishers. The Fara Music Festival of Fara in Sabina, at its eleventh edition under the artistic direction of Enrico Moccia, will coordinate the day of 2 September at Amatrice. It will be a tribute to the Swing, with some of the most interesting formations of the Italian panorama that will alternate on the stage. To open the program “Italian Jazz for the Lands of Sisma – Amatrice – Lazio” a preview not to be missed will have as protagonists, the trumpet of Paolo Fresu and the bandoneon by Daniele Di Bonaventura. This opening event is promoted by the Italian Red Cross that, similar to last year, collaborates in association with Io Ci Sono Onlus for the construction of Amatrice’s Multifunctional Center and the subsequent socio-cultural activities that will give life and breathe right to structure of the fundraising “a theater for Amatrice” which has seen the Italian jazz protagonist in over 30 cities last year. As for the artistic performances, The Band of Paganica Corps is a true marching band of the day, will alternate with 4 swing projects of the national panorama, namely: Dr. Jazz & Dirty Bucks Swing Band, Pepper and The Jellies, Swing Dogs, Piji Electro Swing Project.
“We will try to continue – said Enrico Moccia – in the path started in 2015 with” Italian Jazz for Aquila “, transformed in 2016 with” Italian Jazz for Territories Affected by Sisma “alongside I-Jazz and the great Partners who support the initiative. ”
“For the third year, the Italian jazz moves for the territories of the Central Italy affected by the earthquake – declares the Minister Dario Franceschini – Thanks to the valuable contribution of all the realities that support the initiative, from 31 August thousands of musicians will perform in the streets and on the stages of the sites affected by the earthquake to end September 3 with a jazz marathon at Aquila. A gesture of solidarity from the world of entertainment that has the merit of bringing attention to the communities that with great sacrifice and perseverance are rebuilding their vital fabric. ”
“The new geography of the earthquake revamps the map of solidarity,” commented Paolo Fresu. Italian jazz also moves, not only for Aquila (for the third consecutive year), but also for Amatrice, Camerino and Scheggino. The four regions of central Italy carry a strong jazz tradition. Not only for the number of musicians they gave birth, but also for the historical and architectural quality of towns and villages that have always been linked to culture and tourism, and which today combine the ambitions of a contemporary language and become like jazz. That is why we will be present in the wounded places with over 700 musicians and around 140 concerts. If the sounds become a tool of communion and reflection, so the universal message of music is to be understood as an idiom capable of improving the world by showing all its communicative and poetic power. ”
“In recent years, SIAE General Manager Gaetano Blandini declared SIAE’s support for the community of Central Italy heavily affected by seismic events found concrete declarations in several initiatives such as’ Italian Jazz for L’Aquila ‘,’ SIAE for Amatrice ‘and’ RisorgiMarche ‘, in the belief that culture is the basis through which every reconstruction takes place. We are delighted that this year the great jazz marathon will stage in several earthquake communities to unite music and solidarity and contribute to the rebirth of the social and cultural fabric in respect of the affected populations. ”
Rai, who has always supported the event since its inception, has enthusiastically confirmed this cause with the strong editorial engagement of Radio Rai: “I believe initiatives such as this – said Roberto Sergio, Director of Radiofonia – are the tangible sign of How much music and culture in general can do to improve our country, albeit with small steps. In particular, helping people affected by the earthquake through an itinerant jazz event in the places of the earthquake seems to me to be an extraordinary testimony of solidarity. For this reason, as Rai Radio we will support the operation by giving it maximum visibility and spreading it through our channels. I wish the best success for the initiative, surely it will be possible, if possible, even more passionate and rich in guests of recent editions. ”
Also important is the organizational contribution of MIDJ, the association of Italian Jazz Musicians: “Jazz is the art of meeting and dialogue between different cultures and peoples,” says President Ada Montellanico – A music capable of building and crossing bridges aimed at fostering the relationship between people, creating a union, as has happened and how it will happen for the third time in September in the event considered the most important musical event of the year: Italian Jazz for the lands of Sisma. Hundreds of musicians and operators, 50 art directors and a large audience will be reunited together so that the reconstruction of the places and lives of people surviving the earthquake is not just a statement of intent but real and concrete. The music will unite with the protests of those who are still waiting to return to life. ”
“Italian jazz for the lands of the earthquake” is promoted by MIBACT, Commune of L’Aquila-Comitato Perdonanza, with the adherence of Municipality of Scheggino, Municipality of Camerino and City of Amatrice. SIAE confirms the main sponsor of the event, with the contribution of Fondazione Finanza Etica and Cafim, Nuovo Imaie, Typical Parks in Jazz
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