About Jazz and Blues in European Union


Tobias Meier is involved in long-term projects: Video

10.12. – Happy Birthday !!! Tobias Meier is a saxophonist and composer based in Zurich. He currently leads the ensemble Im Wald and he regularly plays and tours nationwide and internationally, for instance with Cold Voodoo (with bassist Silvan Jeger), with percussionist Norbert Pfammatter or singer Dalia Donadio.

Tobias Meier has written and performed various works for solo saxophone. In addition, he is involved in long-term projects like Things to Sounds (with David Meier and Yves Theiler), as well as rather ephemeral constellations of experimental and improvised music. As a composer and improviser, he is interested in architectural gestures: the scenarios and methods of design, the setting of tonal coordinates, along which, the music gradually develops. For him, this process entails an irreducible experience that is to be re-engaged with again and again. For him, generating a musical space of sounds, time and pitches represents an event, rather than anything autocratic or finished: he explains that only the listener completes the music and assembles it to form a whole. For precisely this reason, he considers the shaping of music on an organisational, receptive and discursive level to be just as important as the actual playing of music: „It is not enough for me, simply to make music“ (Jazz Aktuell, 24/02/2015). As organiser of the concert series Seismogram, as co-founder of the self-run label Wide Ear Records, as editor of a zine for musicians (first released in 2015) and by designing and making his own CD covers, he quite tangibly shapes the appearance and framework conditions of music. What lies behind all this engagement is not only the immense love and passion that he obviously feels towards music, for which he keeps taking new risks, but also the ongoing implementation and further development of his ideas.

(Berni Doessegger)

Since 2017 he is channelling all his projects as musician and organiser through the organisation Through States of Matter. Through States of Matter (TSOM) constitutes a collectivity of artistic output from musician Tobias Meier and his environment. TSOM provides musicians and artists with an open, integrative, free and real work platform. Here, the toad symbolises the enduring reality with which the volatile things of the spirit have to be connected, so that they do not fly away without ever embodying themselves. Via TSOM, ideas and visions are transformed, passing through aggregate states and eventually becoming flesh. The organisation TSOM adapts to the form of the respective artistic content, serving as a host, publisher, label and supporter in one.

Current Projects

Solo “microscopic thoughts” Im Wald (with Matthias Spillmann, Frantz Loriot, Nicola Romanò, Raffaele Bossard) Cold Voodoo (with Silvan Jeger) Meier-Jeger-Pfammatter (with Silvan Jeger, Norbert Pfammatter) Philippe & Paul (with Marc Méan) Things to Sounds (with Yves Theiler, David Meier) Donadio/Meier (with Dalia Donadio)

Through States of Matter

Seismogram (Konzertreihe für Experimentelles und Ungehörtes) Zine “1” Wide Ear Records Wiediker Jazzfest Le Salon Berta

Previous Projects

Periskop (Norbert Pfammatter, Fabian Gisler, Nicola Romanò, TM) (2008-2013) Die Nacht und das Pferd (Dominique Girod, Sheldon Suter, TM) (2015-2016) Raphael Walser’s GANGART (Raphael Walser, Jonas Ruther, Marc Méan, Niculin Janett, TM) (2013-2017) LJO – Lucerne Jazz Orchestra (David Grottschreiber) (2007-2017) Pigeon Soup (Mattia Magatelli, Christian Windfeld, TM) (2012-2013) Hunter-Gatherer (David Meier, Manuel Troller, Marc Méan, Silvan Jeger, TM) (2008-2015) Dieter Ulrich & PULSE (Dieter Ulrich, Silvan Jeger, Axel Dörner, TM) (2015) MUMUR (Markus Lauterburg, Martin Birnstil, Dave Gisler, TM) (2009-2015) Noflores (TM, Dave Gisler, Jonas Ruther) (2013-2015) EDEN (Komposition für 10 Stimmen) (2013) Raffaele Bossard & Junction Box (Raffaele Bossard, Alex Huber, Rafael Schilt, TM) (2008-2012) Blütenlese (Stefanie Ammann, Melanie Ammann, Rafael Schilt, TM) (2015) Love & Aggression Suite (Periskop & Lea Knecht, Sandra Weiss) (2011) Skudde (Christian Wolfarth, Isa Wiss, Frantz Loriot, TM) (2011-2014) NEUN (Komposition für Jazzwerkstatt Bern) (2011) Colin Vallon & Fauna (2015) Vitale-Magatelli-Windfeld & TM (Luigi Vitale, Mattia Magatelli, Christian Windfeld, TM) (2008-2012) Quadralog (Dave Gisler, Alex Huber, Raffaele Bossard, TM) (2007-2010) European Jazz Motion (Angela Tröndle, Marek Talts, Antti Kujanpää, Mattia Magatelli, Christian Windfeld, TM) (2008-2013) Jazzwerkstatt Zürich Ensemble (Ran Wehrli, Christoph Irniger, Rafael Schilt, Michael Jaeger, Silvio Cadotsch, Yves Theiler, Claude Meier, Lukas Mantel, TM) (2010-2011) Offspace outdoor silent sounds (2012) Dave Gisler’s Shizzle (Dave Gisler, Michael Jaeger, Luca Sisera, Michi Stulz, TM) (2009-2011) Asmin Sextet (Gregor Frei, Silvio Cadotsch, Dave Gisler, Raffaele Bossard, Alex Huber, TM) (2007-2011) klein, laut & meier (Simon Iten, Lukas Mantel, TM) (2004-2008)

As Organiser

Moods Musikerrat (2012-2016) Beirat des Unerhört! Festivals (2014-2016) WER ist in der WIM (2014) Seismogram Festival (2013) Tonabnehmer im Theater am Gleis (2013-2014) Jazzbaragge Wednesday Jam (2008-2013) Jazzwerkstatt Zürich (2010-2011)


2016-2017 – Atelier Stipendium der Stadt Zürich in Berlin 2014-2018 – Langzeit-Stipendium der Stiftung Arvore (CH) 2011 – Artist in Residence im Moods, Zürich (CH) 2010 – Werkbeitrag der Ausserrhoder Kulturstiftung, AR 2008 – Mozart-Preis der Stadt Luzern 2008 – 18. IASJ Meeting in Riga 2006 – Mitglied der Generations Fellowship Award Band.

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